Home » How To Fix https://olpair.com & openload.co/pair Error Kodi 17.6
UPDATED March 2025
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Kodi is one of the most versatile streaming apps available today. It is customizable and you can choose from a number of different skins that will give it a personalized look. You can stream video from online services such as Amazon Prime Instant Video, Pandora Internet radio, Crackle, Rhapsody, Spotify, and YouTube.
Newer versions of the software also have a personal video recorder graphical front end for receiving live television with an electronic program guide. It also has high-definition digital video recorder support.
Kodi is open-source software, which means that the copyright holder has granted users to study, change, and distribute the software without restriction to any other person. Open-source software is often a collaborative project that is developed with public input. The contributors to open-source software are not connected in any way and provide blueprints, source code, and documentation freely to the public.
Because Kodi is open-source and free for anyone to modify, it has led to several third-party developers adding their own software to it. Some of these pieces of software have the ability to access restricted videos and music. It may be noted that in some countries around the world this may be illegal, but it is not illegal in all of them.
You will have to do your own research to find out if it is legal in your own area.
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You need to be aware that in areas where streaming with Kodi is illegal due to copyright laws, the Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be monitoring and filtering your web browser data. For some users, this could result in serious legal trouble. It is also possible that your ISP provider may block access to certain streams or slow down your Internet speed entirely. This can lead to an error in Kodi or possibly blocked and throttled streaming by the ISP provider.
Streaming with Kodi is not illegal in all areas. If you are in an area where Kodi is legal, browsing with a virtual private network (VPN) is essential for keeping your computer safe and accessing restricted data. There are over 80 add-ons for Kodi that can allow you to access even more shows and digital content. Some popular Kodi add-ons include:
These add-ons were all meant for a certain type of digital media. Some of them were meant for multiple types of digital media. Many of these add-ons are designed to make your user experience a pleasant one, such as offering media in different categories such as education, indie movies, TV shows, and geographic-specific add-ons such as UK Turk’s Playlists.
Third party add-ons also allow you to access producer specific content and current popular television shows. If you can think of an add-on, or experience that you want to have, there is probably an add-on for Kodi designed specifically for it. Whether your chosen favorites include Red Bull TV or Planet MMA, it is probably available somewhere.
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Protect yourself from hacking and surveillance with 256-bit AES encryption, DNS/IPv6 leak protection, kill switch, and split tunneling.
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OpenLoad Pair (OLPair) is a host that has one of the best selections of video sources available to stream using Kodi. Some time ago, OLPair became dissatisfied that Kodi allowed users to access their streams without a browser. Their main complaint was that this did not allow them to have accurate traffic reporting analytics for Google. At one point they chose to block Kodi users from their servers.
Eventually an add-on was developed called URL Resolver. This add-on solution is used by many behind the scenes. The developers of this work closely with OpenLoad to develop a pair solution. When you open a browser and go to the pair website, this add-on allows OpenLoad to register your IP address and collect some analytic data that it will send to Google for its own use. This way they are not missing the traffic from Kodi users.
OpenLoad uses analytic data from Google to understand which pages are popular, where people are coming from to get there, and to gain a better understanding of the people who use their page. This data allows OLPair to understand if a person arrived at their site through social media, a referral link, through a Google search, or elsewhere. This can help them to improve the user experience. You cannot access Kodi without OLPair.
The OLPair add-on requires you to click a captcha to determine that you are not a robot. This prevents automatic software from downloading all of their video files and redistributing them illegally. OLPair is ad-supported so you will see some ads when you are on their page using their software.
When you first try to access streams from Kodi, you may receive and OLPair error. This error message will give you a website to go to in order to fix the problem, but you do not actually have to go to it.
This is not a one time error. The pair only gives you access to their streams for four hours. Every four hours, you will have to pair again. At this point, there is no way around it and it is simply how OLPair decided to do their software.
With practice, you will become quicker at it, but the first time it can be rather confusing because the instructions given on the error message are not necessarily that clear.
There is a shortcut to pair when you get this message. You can pull out your cell phone and then go to https://olpair.com. Simply going to the website will pair your network.
This works because your Kodi box and mobile phone are both working on the same local network and share a single external IP address. Your IP address is the physical location where you are located.
When this screen appears, you will need to click on the check box that says you are not a robot. Then you need to scroll to the bottom of the screen and click the blue button that says “pair”. You will then be taken to a screen where you do will need to enter your verification code.
This is a quick and easy way complete the pairing process every time the error message pops up.
If you are a frequent Kodi user, you will more than likely see this error at some time in your future. This error does not only occur with the OLPair add-on. It also occurs with the thevideo.me/pair, vidup.me/pair, tvad.me/pair, and vshare. It may occur with other add-ons as well. For most of them, the same fix will work.
Remember that this is not a true error and simply a requirement of the company that owns the software. When the error message pops up, here is how you fix it.
The error will look like this.
It will look the same whether you are on PC or a mobile device. You simply click on the website https://olpair.com, just as you did when you use the mobile device. A screen will pop up that looks like this.
You must click on the box that says, “I am not a robot.” Next you will have to do a reCaptcha verification process. You must follow the directions on the screen. Most of the time it will tell you to click on a square that contains a certain object. You must click on every box that contains that object or a portion of that object.
For instance, if it tells you to click on all boxes that have a street sign, if a street sign covers two or more boxes, you must click on all of the squares that have any portion of that street sign in it. You can then click the verify button and it will take you to a screen that looks like this.
Next, a message will prompt you stating that the pairing has been a success.
Once this screen appears, you can see all of the possible streams that Kodi has to offer.
Getting Kodi to pair with OLPair and other add-ons is easy. However, from a security standpoint there may be a few concerns. Both Kodi and OLPair are completely safe and are completely safe used together. However, the purpose of the OLPair add-on is to capture your IP address. The system does not allow you to browse unless they can collect this information about you.
Your IP address is a unique identifier that shows your exact geographic location. Using this information someone can get your current physical location. It shows your city, region, and country. It also shows your Internet service provider and exactly where you and your computer are sitting at the time.
Here is an example of the information that your IP address can reveal about you.
Many websites will use this information to send you location specific information. For instance, when you do a Google search for restaurants, it will look up your IP address and send you results that are close to your current location.
Some websites such as ESPN and GoogleMaps use your IP address to send you the information that you need about your location. However, there is a downside to giving out your IP address to anyone. Hackers can also use it to get into your system and steal information.
The problem is that a hacker can use your IP address to get into your system. Once they have done this, they can quickly determine your physical location and get a valid address. Many people will not know that they have been hacked until several things start to happen. The signs that you have been hacked can include:
The bottom line is that there are many signs that hacker is in your system. However, once the hacker is already in there, it may be too late by the time you discover it.
Allowing an add-on such as Olpair can expose your IP address. Anyone who has this information has a way into your computer, but there is a way around this.
If you want to use Kodi and an Olpair add-on, it is recommended that you do so using a virtual private network (VPN). A VPN allows you to hide your whereabouts by disguising your IP address. It is sort of like playing hide and seek on the Internet. The Olpair software will still think that it has the IP address information that it wants to allow you to use Kodi, but the secret is that it will not be your real IP address.
A VPN works by allowing you to access the Internet by first going through a remote server. This server can be located anywhere in the world. By going through the VPN server, it will look like you are accessing the Internet from that virtual server location instead of your own home network.
It is like being able to set on a computer in Columbus, Ohio and access the Internet, but what everyone thinks is that you are actually be browsing from Sacramento, California. You could even look like you are from Bristol, UK or somewhere in Russia. Your location would be hidden from the World Wide Web and potential hackers.
With the VPN, you are the only one who knows your true location. Everyone else thinks that you are somewhere else entirely different. When the Olpair software connects with your system to obtain your IP address, it will get your virtual IP address, instead of your real one. Aside from keeping you safe from hackers, there is another reason why using a VPN may be beneficial.
As was mentioned earlier, some countries have stricter regulations than others on content and what is allowed to be watched. A VPN allows you to access information that would be restricted in that country. Keep in mind, that your external IP addresses is expected to obey the law. Also, some countries are more restricted than others.
It is possible to access that content using a VPN because it will not appear that you are from a country for which the information is restricted.
A VPN like NordVPN is an excellent choice for hiding your IPN from websites that track it and from potential hackers.
When you go to OLPair.com and successfully pair your computer, you may notice that sometimes a pop up message will start occasionally appearing. Potentially unwanted programs (P2P), refers to message boxes, pop-ups, and other advertisements that occasionally pop up while you’re browsing. They will continually do this, prompting you to click on the site and take action. These can be quite annoying and sometimes they carry other types of malware and threats, such as those used by hackers to steal your information.
Sometimes the OLPair virus will automatically install and you will not even know it. Other times, it will not install and everything will be okay. You will know that you have this virus if you suddenly start getting all of these unwanted ads and messages boxes. If this happens to you, you have downloaded the virus.
Sometimes the OLPair.com virus comes with other software that you download onto your computer. It does not always come from OLPair.com. If you have downloaded any audio players, archives, or utilities, you may have downloaded this virus. Even though the virus has nothing to do with OLPair, it has the same name and is worth mentioning in this article.
To uninstall the OLPair pop-up virus, you have to go into the control panel after computer and find where it lists all of the programs that are stored on your computer. This will be different depending on the version of Windows or Mac that you are using. You need to go into your computer and uninstall the Olpair virus.
Several products have been found to have the OLPair virus. They are SpyHunter 5, Plumbytes Anti-Malware, and MalwareBytes Antimalware. There may also be others out there and new ones may be developed all the time. The OLPair virus can also be installed in your browser in some cases. To remove it, you will need to find where your extensions are kept in your browser.
Kodi media viewer can provide an excellent experience and allow you to access a larger number of media types than any other media player on the market. The best part is that this extraordinary media player is free to use. Many people do not understand why they need to use the OLPair add-on with Kodi, but there is a perfectly logical explanation. OLPair does not want to miss out on its traffic date insight and other data that it collects. Therefore, it requires you to provide them with your IP address and you may not want to do this.
Fortunately, there is a solution. Using a VPN will help hide your location. This will make the OLPair add-on think that it has the IP address that it needs and it will allow you to access the videos on the Kodi site. However, it will only think it knows where you are, but it will not in reality. Instead, you are somewhere far away browsing virtually anonymously. This provides an excellent solution to the problem.
Even thought the OLPair virus is not actually associated with OLPair and Kodi, it is worth mentioning because it still uses their name. It is good to know what it is and where it comes from if you happen to see it, and it is especially to good to know how to remove it quickly and easily.
Both Kodi and OLPair have good reputations for providing access to the largest library of videos, music, and any other type of media available on the Internet from anywhere around the world. It literally opens up the world of entertainment to you. It is easy to install, and now you know what to do with the error message pops up. It is really not that much hassle considering what you get. Best of all, it is all free.
1 thought on “How To Fix https://olpair.com & openload.co/pair Error Kodi 17.6”
It is actually a requirement to stream that video content from the sources such as thevideo.me, Openload.co, Vidup.me or tvad.me. When you open the streams from the sources like openload.co/pair, thevideo.me/pair, the error is generated whether you use Kodi 18.1 or 18.0 krypton.